Community of Amida Buddhists
Welcome to our website.
We are a devotional Pure Land Buddhist community with a karmic affinity to Amida Buddha. We take an ecumenical approach by respecting all Pure Land Buddhist traditions, although we draw on the teachings of Shandao, Honen, Shinran and Ippen in particular. Amida Buddhism is the phrase that we use to describe our inclusive approach to the Pure Land teachings.
Amida Buddhism also emphasises the vulnerable and fallible nature of ordinary human beings, the centrality of the nembutsu (calling on Amida Buddha with gratitude and aspiration for rebirth into the Pure Land) and the necessity of connecting with a wise and loving power that is greater than ourselves. You will also find guidance on establishing a daily practice, information about the structure and range of our international sangha, access to our courses and details of our online services and events.
If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the lands of the ten quarters who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, desire to be born in my land, and call my Name, even ten times, should not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.
The 18th Vow of Amida Buddha
Twenty-five years of the Amida Buddhist Order
The Amida Buddhist Order is central to our community and 2023 marked our 25th Anniversary as a religious order and community. The Order was founded on 3rd July 1998 by Dharmavidya David Brazier, together with Prasada Caroline Brazier, Modgala Louise Duguid and Amrita Linda Dhammika. After many years of leadership, Dharmavidya left the Order in January 2021, soon after retiring as Head of the Order; he now lives in central France. Susthama Marian Kim, who first joined the community in 2003, was elected as the next Head of the Amida Buddhist Order in early 2021. She has continued to build on the history and traditions of the Order, while also embracing the challenges imposed on the ministry of a post-pandemic world.
For a schedule of our weekly services, meetings,
classes and special events, please click HERE

To contact the Amida Buddhist Order, or to request further information please email: amidaorder@gmail.com